About Me

Hi! I'm Julia.

I like dinosaurs, people, beer, and working hard in and out of the gym. 

Send me an email to julia@trextraining.com or check out my instagram profile @trextraining20


NASM Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer

NASM Level 2 Certified Gym Instructor 

NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist

NASM Certified Nutrition for Optimal Performance

NASM Certified Mental Toughness Coach

TRX Certified Coach

ICI Indoor Cycling Instructor

Specialities / Experience:

Strength Training

Body Positivity & Self Confidence

Weight Loss

Improved Athletic & Sport Performance

Sustainable Habits

Athletes with Disabilities

Athletes with Eating Disorders and/or Anorexia Athletica

Trauma Informed Personal Training

My Philosophy

I have four learning pillars, based on scientific research, that are proven to help people have a successful journey to healthy/happy/strong bodies.

They are the following:

Learning Pillar #1

You and your body are on the same team. 

You’re not “working against your body”, you’re working with it. 

Thinking negatively about your body puts you in a negative mindset, and positive mindsets bring positive results. So, we need to get you to start thinking positively about your body RIGHT. NOW. 

Surely there is something about your body that you like. Do you have pretty eyes? Nice juicy bum? Smart brain? Happy heart that beats keeping you alive? 

What about your ability? Can you pick up your kid? Throw a ball to your dog? Walk on the beach?

Find one thing and focus on that. Focus on JUST that every time you look in the mirror for a week and see how your mindset changes to become more positive

Your body does a lot for you, so treat it with respect! Move it, rest it, feed it, stretch it, love it. 

You're on the same team- and so are we :-)

Learning Pillar #2

Exercise is a celebration, not a punishment.

Exercise doesn't have to be miserable. Moving your body should generally be a positive experience. We work out to celebrate the things our bodies can do! Not as a punishment or "making up" for past actions or choices. 

Instead of running to "work off" that pizza, what if we ran because it looked nice outside? Or because it helps clear our head?  Or because we enjoy the endorphin rush afterwards? Or maybe just to get out of the house and away from the kids for a bit? Remember- Positive mindsets bring positive results.

Now, this doesn't mean we don't work hard- we do. We work really hard and push ourselves, but we do that BECAUSE we love, trust, and celebrate our bodies. 

We understand that strength makes more strength. When we push ourselves in our workouts, it sends signals to our brains that we can do hard things. When you realise you're capable of achieving hard things in your workouts, your confidence grows in handling hard things in other areas of your life. 

Learning Pillar #3

Diets don’t work. Repeat. Diets don’t work.

Diets don’t work. The whole concept of going “on a diet” implies that it’s something to go “on” or “off” of. 

That mindset of "this is temporary" is exactly what we are trying to get away from. You eat healthy, most of the time- That's the mindset we DO want. Consistency is key. 

Remember my motto- whatever you can do consistently, do. Giving up carbs or sugar or butter or bread or whatever the food group, is not the answer because that's an extreme measure. It's not going to be consistent. 

You’re really going to tell me that because of- *insert fad diet here*- you’re never going to eat another cheeseburger again? Ever? EVER? 

I call B.S

Cheeseburgers are delicious and you will be living a sad life forever if that’s the case.

Learning Pillar #4

Food and drink do not have a moral value. 

They are not “good” or “bad”. They don’t make us “good” or “bad” people when we consume them. 

Ice cream is not a “reward for being good”  salad is not a “punishment for being bad”. 

Why are you giving food power to sway your opinion of yourself? Hopefully your path of being a good person consists of being nice, not murdering people, giving to charity, etc. It shouldn't change based on what you put in your mouth! (Unless what you put in your mouth IS people, then maybe you're not a good person and should probably seek help.)

Food is a method of energy that, depending on the quality, gets you closer to or further away from your goals. That's it. It doesn't need to be complicated.

Let's find some creative ways to keep you motivated.

Let go of the morality and the guilt. Mmmm! Delicious energy!

Send me an email to julia@trextraining.com or check out my instagram profile @trextraining20

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